Getting Ready 预 备 What an honor to be invited to the marriage of the Lamb 受邀参加羔羊的婚宴是何等的荣耀 to come and worship Him 一起来敬拜他 Celebration it's the joining of the Bride and the Son 欢庆新妇与人子的连理 the two becoming one 两人合为一 All the prophecies fulfilled in a moment 所有的预言都在瞬间实现 So we sing 我们歌唱 Like the roar of many waters 如同众水咆哮 Like the sound of rolling thunder 如同起伏的雷声 Hallelujah, give him glory 哈利路亚,荣耀归于他 For the marriage of the Lamb is coming 因为羔羊的婚宴即将来到 We're getting ready 我们预备 We're getting ready for you 我们为你而预备 Filled with wonder 充满奇妙 as we behold the man with fire in his eyes 当我们看到他眼中有火 the very Word of God 就是神之道 You are worthy Every kingdom 你配得执掌所有的国度 every nation bowing down 每个国家都俯伏于你 We'll crown you with many crowns 将冠冕都放在你头上 Every creed and tribe and tongue declaring 所有的信仰、民族、语言都在宣告 In unity 如同一人