Latest of Pigskin Dispatch was created to allow a safe place for football fans of all ages to be able to have an outlet for positive news about football related people and issues. The site is complemented by having deep historic content of the game within it too. The site was founded by Darin Hayes in 2020 as a labor of love for the sport he has been closely connected to for over 5 decades as a player, an on field official and as a fan. Football history has always been a passion of Hayes and he pulls information from his extensive collection of old books, magazine articles and rules books to bring the nostalgia of football alive for the reader. This information is presented in a very respectful manner with emphasis placed on reverence for the past and present individuals and their information and how it has affected the sport and society. The main mission of the site is to have a website with positive news about football related people and their good acts towards humanity as well as a nostalgic reference to the history of football. We hope you enjoy the platform and the stories that are presented and look forward to any suggestions you may have to send to us for review at [email protected].

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