
MLB Baseball Tracker 的使用方法详解,最全面的教程
MLB Baseball Tracker 描述:
用户数:2000 分类:体育插件 扩展大小:383KiB 最后更新时间:2020-03-15 版本:2.8MLB Baseball Tracker 插件简介:
这是来自Chrome商店的 MLB Baseball Tracker 浏览器插件,您可以在当前页面下载它的最新版本安装文件,并安装在Chrome、Edge等浏览器上。MLB Baseball Tracker 插件下载方法/流程:
点击下载按钮,关注“扩展迷Extfans”公众号并获取验证码,在网页弹窗中输入验证码,即可下载最新安装文件。MLB Baseball Tracker 插件安装教程/方法:
(1)将扩展迷上下载的安装包文件(.zip)解压为文件夹,其中类型为“crx”的文件就是接下来需要用到的安装文件 (2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面 (3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式” (4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面, 完成安装如有其它安装问题, 请扫描网站底部二维码与客服联系如有疑问请参考:https://www.关注前端.com/installation/
This extension adds an icon with your chosen MLB baseball team at the top of the browser that shows information about today's game in the icon's hover-text, real-time score and play information during games (including teams, location, inning, and pitcher), and the appropriate win/loss flag when it's over! This is an active project - if you find a bug (or think of a useful feature), please report it via the extension's page in the chrome store, and I'll get it updated as soon as I can! All icons and team names are trademarks belonging to Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. or the respective teams, the owner of this application disclaims ownership of any trademarks, logos or images belonging to Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. or the respective team appearing on this site. The appearance of trademarks and/or team logos belonging to Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. or the respective team on this website does not constitute affiliation or endorsement by Major League Baseball or respective team of any of the services provided by this application. Change History: 1.3 - Fixed bug where the "Teams" list could show just the first 2 teams repeatedly on initial startup 1.4 - Fixed time zone issue, changed icon left-click from Scoreboard to the current game's Box Score 1.5 - Fix issue with hovertext when a team has >10 runs 1.6 - Handle games that are Postponed 1.7 - Handle games that are Delayed Start 1.8 - Fixed issue where Delayed Start game wouldn't get updates right away after starting 2.0 - Updated to use MLB's new API, and updated the in-game icon so that you can see the score as well as what bases have runners on them, how many outs, top/bottom and inning number. Also includes additional info in hover-text like number of balls, strikes, outs, and current batter. Revert to the old, simpler in-game icon by ticking the "Enable Simplified In-Game View" option in the right-click menu. 2.1 - Fixed an issue with a previously unseen game state that caused game status to no longer update. Implemented a workaround that should prevent this from causing breaking changes in the future. 2.2 - Fixed a bug occurring on days with no games, and added handling for new game status. 2.3 - Fixed a (timezone conversion) bug causing night games to not register as a game today. 2.4 - Updated game postponement info in hover text 2.5 - Fixed a bug in the hovertext where the incorrect team would be named with players on base 2.6 - Added a third view option for non-fans to only see if there's a home game today or not without any game details, and restructured the menu a bit to accommodate it 2.7 - Added Arizona timezone