BuxBack - Earn R$

Trademark Disclaimer: We’re not affiliated in any way with the Roblox Corporation or any of its trademarks. Summary: Save ROBUX when purchasing catalog items and game passes in ROBLOX! For every purchase you make on select items, you will receive ROBUX back! We receive a commission for some items on the catalog as well as game passes, and we share a portion of this commission back to you! This creates a win-win scenario for everyone involved. FAQ: How does it work? Every time you make a purchase on eligible items and gamepasses, you receive ROBUX back in your extension's balance. Withdraw this ROBUX into your ROBLOX account by using the withdraw tab. We receive a commission on select purchases, and we share this commission with you! How do I receive ROBUX in my account? Your extension's balance will be transferred to https://blox.land. This site will then allow you to withdraw into your ROBLOX account. The website transfers the ROBUX into your ROBLOX account through private servers. The ROBUX will first appear as "pending" in your ROBLOX account, however in 3-5 days it will arrive in your account and ready to spend!

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